英语翻译幼儿攻击性行为产生的原因及矫正对策摘 要 攻击性行为是一种指个体用言语和行为对他人进行人格和身体攻击的行为。幼儿


  • Children aggressive behavior causes and corrective measures

    The aggressive behavior is a kind of an individual with words and actions of others personality and physical attack.Young children aggressive behavior when anti-social behaviour in the most representative,the most prominent of a kind of behavior.Psychologists say,unleashing tension and aggression is discontent passive way of the development of children,very disadvantageous,must be rectified.Using incentive method,combining disciplinary methods for three subjects.Results three subjects in experimental primary stage has obvious aggressive behavior,after aggressive behavior intervention obviously reduced.Conclusion shows that this method can correct intervention by children aggressive behavior.

    Keywords cheeper,Aggressive behavior,Causes,Strategies
