求海鸣威的写作风格 英文版最近的作业要8月1号前要


  • Hemingway’s writing style

    The writing style of Hemingway is social.He usually describes his own true experience in this novel.Hemingway creates many “Hemingway heroes”.They live in great pressure,they suffer from painful physical wound and terrible mental wound,but they always keep stances of manhood,such as Santiago in “the old man and the sea”.From reading his novel,we are deeply moved by the characters of the novel and their actions and thought can greatly inspire us

    Hemingway uses simple,short sentence are often connected by “and”,“then” and sometimes “so”.They are easily understood and can express his feeling correctly.Hemingway uses few adjectives and adverbs in his novels and he never give over-embellish and abstract to the sentence because it is hypocritical that the book announces itself as Hemingway’s:“he was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish.” “the words are plain,and the structure,two tightly worded independent clauses conjoined by a simple conjunction,is ordinary,traits that characterize Hemingway’s literary style.

    Hemingway also uses iceberg approach-all meaning is found below the surface.The common sentences used by Hemingway always have special implication.We must the background of the story and we must understand Hemingway well,if we want to get the true implication of Hemingway’s novels.He was extremely grudging his description,he had the ability to combine simple realism of narrative with complex symbolism of image at once.The implied meaning was left for various explanations and in a sense a far-reaching effect was obtained .for example,in the novel “the old man and the sea”,there are many symbols.If we plainly understand the symbols as physical things,we might lose the essence of the novel and be misled to think that this is a simple story about the old man’s fighting with the sharks.In the novel,heingway chooses an old fisherman as his hero,and he uses the old man to replace his real name Santiago.This makes us see that the old man is not a person solely of himself.hemingway chooses sea as the background,the sea both as the opposing and harmonious force,but not simply a true sea.

    On the other hand,the reader may draw some inspiration through applying his own experiences into the understanding of hemingway’s themes and eventually find esthetic satisfactions in his careful reading although the process needs some effort.Besides,hemingway often uses symbolism in his novels.” The old man the sea”,for example,looks like a dull and meaningless novel when the readers don’t read it carefully.But after reading,we may move by the “masculine” of the hero-Santiago,and love the book very much.
