请老师批改Directions:Study the following photos carefully and wri


  • How farcical and ironical (或者funny and annoying) showing in sight the both of the pictures are! In the left photo, we can see a head portrait with a scratch of pen “BECKHAM” a name of a famous British soccer star. And in the right drawing, a hair style modeled after Beckham’s costs the costumer 300 Yuan. Without doubt, they are the funs of Beckham.

    The photographs above do reflect a phenomenon which is not uncommon in China recent years: the worship of idols. On the one hand, these star idols have enriched our life. We may enjoy caricatures in our tedious life and sports stars’ spirit may encourage us to make progress. But on the other hand, some negative efforts of idols worship should not be ignored. Because of pursuing stars, idolaters’ excessive actions may influence our regular life. Numerous examples can be given. For instance, one of my friends Li is a fun of an American music group named Black Eyed Peas. In order to be able to afford to travel to America and buy a ticket to watch their live show, he saved on food and expense, as was bad for his health.

    In my apprehension, pursuing stars should be taken in a temperate way, promoting its advantages while polishing its disadvantages.