英语翻译feedback is not usually required,stepper motors are comp


  • Although feedback is not usually required,stepper motors are compatible with

    feedback signals,either analog or dgital.Error is noncumulative as long as pulse-to-step integrity is maintained by the

    stepper motor.A stream of pulses can be counted into stepper motors,and the stepper motor's final position will be known

    within a small percentage of one step.


    Since maximum dynamic torque occurs at low pulse rates,stepping motors can easily accelerate a load.When the desired position

    is reached and command pulses cease,the stepper motor shaft stops and there is no need for clutches or brakes.The sepper motor

    is generally left energized at a stop position.Once stopped,the stepper motor resists dynamic movement up to the value of the

    holding torque.An additional feature of the PM stepper motor is that when all power is removed,it is magentically detented in

    the last position.A wide range of step angles are available-1.8 to 80,for example-without logic manipulation.Stepper motors

    have inherent low velocity without gear reduction.A typical stepper motor driven at 500 pps turns at 150 rpm.The stepper

    motor's rotor inertia is usually low.Multiple stepper motors driven from the same source maintain perfect synchronization.But

    the stepper motor'sefficiency is low;much of the input energy must be dissipated as heat.Load must be analyzed carefully for

    optimum stepper motor performance.And inputsmust be matched to the stepper motor and load.Damping may be required when load

    inertia is exceptionally high to prevent oscillation.





