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  • If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 【Kaiser3344手写】

    This is famous quote of English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. It means that when winter is approaching, everything is dying. But the spring season is also ahead.

    In the world, everything goes in cycles. Winter and spring, day and night, life and death, happiness and sorrow, success and failure, the list can go on and on. By knowing this, we always should keep hoping for the better, especially in the bad situations. When we fail on an exam, or we loose a lover, when we feel low and grey, we should think about this words. Hardships can be overcome, failures can be turned into success. Things from worse eventually become better. When we try very hard to achieve but still can see any hope, we should believe that when we fall to the bottom, the only way to go is up.

    Winter is very cold, the tree lost all the leaves and flowers are all dead. But this is not the end, it is a new beginning. After a period of silence and lonely wait, the tress will come back to life and the flowers will bloom. The birds will sing and the bees and butterflies will come as well. The spring comes, you don’t have to invite it, and there is no doubt. This is a promise, which is given by the nature.
