英语翻译1.When do you go to school?2.when does she have lunch?3.


  • 1.When do you go to school?你什么时候上学

    2.when does she have lunch?她什么时候吃午饭

    3.what are you doing?你在做什么

    4.What’s Mocky doing?Mocky在做什么

    5.I get up at six forty-five in the morning.我早上6点45起床

    6.He goes to bed at ten o’clock at night.他晚上10点睡觉

    7.She eats dinner at seven fifteen in the evening.她晚上7点15吃晚饭

    8.We always visit Uncle Booky on Saturday 我们常常在周六去看望Booky叔叔

    9.Do we have English corner today?我们今天有英语角吗

    10.It’s ten thirty.It’s time to sleep 10点半了,该睡觉了