we can't manage to "spray the paint on the sample",coz we have no idea how much paint we are supposed to spray on the sample.
英语:我们无法做到“spray the paint on the sample”因为我们不知道要SPRAY多少PAINT
The Mini Spray Dryer is the laboratory equipment which makes00
water from the mill's wheel sprayed in the sunshine.from the00
关于BURBERRY natural spray 知道的有请啊!00
that is my painting on the wall.00
intranasal spray 怎么 翻译00
We paint the door blue.这里的paint要不要变成过去式?A lot of people watc00
The picture()on the wall is painted by my friend00
the picture hanging on the wall was painted by her.00
The picture ______ on the wall is painted by my son00
paint the wall in blue还是paint the wall blue00