说明:global tension找不到现成的翻法.
Prepare a finite element model of the bend stiffener and the umbilical and apply the loads specified in the second step. 为弯曲加强筋和脐带缆建立一个有限元数学模型,并在第二步施加规定的负荷.The results from these analyses are the maximum stress range for each load case. 由这些分析得到的结果就是针对每一负荷情况下的最大应力范围.The geometry of the gutter will be modelled separately and global tension and angle will be applied to the umbilical and a contact formulation in the program defines the curvature and hence the bending stress component.沟槽的几何形状将被分开建模,整体(global)的张力和角度将施加在脐带缆上,程序中的接触方程规定了曲率,从而也规定了弯曲的应力分量.