很多道初中英语语法题,用括号中动词的适当形式填空Where your watch (lose)?Three childr


  • 用括号中动词的适当形式填空

    Where (was) your watch (lost) (lose)?被动语态

    Three children (were taken) (take) good care by the nurse.

    Some children (were taken) (take) good care by the nurse.


    Some new houses (were built) (build) by the villagers themselves.

    When we reached the town, it (got) (get) dark.

    You (are going to watch) (watch) TV after supper, aren’t you?

    Can you tell me if it (will snow) (snow) tomorrow?

    Could you tell me if you (are going to read) (read) the book?

    He said the lights in the room (had gone) (go) out when he opened the door.

    They (are planting) (plant) trees on the hill. Do you see?

    Could you tell me where Alice (lives) (live)?

    I (won't go) (not go)to the cinema because I (have seen) (see) the film before.

    It (is getting) (get) dark.. What about (going) (go) home at once?

    You (will be) (be) late if you (don't hurry) (not hurry).

    You don’t know when the manager (will return) (return), but when he (comes) (come) I (will let) (let) you know. 这句话原题中后面是不是写错了.
