Each time we could found bunches of girls wearing flamboyant attires , cheering for supported teams in an enthusiastic way during a classical american football game. Those cruits are refered to as "Cheer Leaders" , their performance has now become a competitive sport game.
Today our product is just of similar topic , a series of comedic sport movies named "Bring it On" , which is photographed in america. The whole series all begin its name with the phrase "Bring it On" , who attracted most people into cinemas many times since its debut.
Here we got all their names in the series:
1. Bring it On
2. Bring it On Again
3. Bring it on or nothing
4. bring it on: in it to win it
5. bring it on fight to the finish
Mainly because this series emphasized the following merits , so we may comment them as stimulating:
Group cooperation , team spirit ; the importance persistence of success ; a warm heart the illuminated the world ; learn to share and forgive , selfish easily lead to lost ; understand read life through setbacks experienced in lifespan.
From my perspective , this movie is feasible in disilluding college students.