go for it 麻烦大家了,九年级我需要十一单元的单词和十五单元的SECTION B的听力原文.


  • estroom shampoo drugstore cafe department department_store escalator magic fresh block oak uncrowded slide water slide clown

    staff organized dress_up market lend park alright direct order wonder

    lead trouble offend certain structure hand_in


    B:Hey,Julia.Don't forget to turn off the lights.It saves elestricty.

    G:Oh,I know,I usually do that.I was just in a hurry.How come you're so interested in environment,Jack?

    B:I always have been.Lost of people think there's nothing they can do,but I just read this book about it,and there are losts of things the averagepers on can do.

    G:Like what?

    B:Well,you should turn off the shower when you're washing your hair.

    G:Oh,I'd never do that!

    B:You wouldn't?

    G:No,I have very short hair.I'm only in the shower for a few minutes.

    B:Well,every minute helps.

    G:What else does it day?

    B:It says you should take your own bags when you go food shopping.

    G:Oh,that's not difficult.I can do that.What else?

    B:Hmm.Here's a good one.It's says people should stop riding in cars and start riding bikes.

    G:Oh,I'll never do that!Can you me riding 15 minutes to and from school every day?

    B:Well.I think the environment is really important.Besites,I like riding my bike.

    G:Yes,and you also like close to school!