阅读理解 It was Mother's


  • 1、How many children did the young woman have? (这个年轻的妇女有几个孩子?)

    Only one.(Get

    the children and come )

    2、Where did they find many beautiful purple

    lilacs? (他们在哪里找到了漂亮的紫色丁香?)

    On a small hill(There on a small hill,they saw a

    lot of beautiful purple(紫色的) lilacs)

    3、Why did the young woman give the

    flowers to the old granny? (这个年轻妇女为什么要送花给那个老奶奶?)

    Because that day was

    Mother's Day but the old granny didn't has child foe giving some flowers to

    her.(But it's Mother's Day,and she has no children.I have all of you,and I still

    have my mother.Just think how much those flowers meant to her.)


    do you think of the young woman?(你认为这个年轻妇女是一个什么样的人?)

    She is the person who

    is very kind and warm-hearted in my opinion.

    亲,o(∩_∩)o ,不懂再问哦,望采纳,谢谢!