

  • When I was in my primary school, I had an opportunity to attend a musical contest held in my school. That was the first time I watched a live musical performance. The fantastic players touched me deeply. That was how I started my musical journey.

    Piano, is a musical instrument, which is easier to learn in comparison with string instruments. I asked my parents allowing me to take up a piano lesson for beginner. My parents agreed me as I promised them that I will not neglect my studies.

    In the begining, it was quite difficult to read the notes on the stave. However, it did not demoralize me. I spent most of my leisure hours to practise piano. Although my fingers were painful after few hours practice, I felt satisfied if I could play a music piece completely.

    I just passed my grade-five piano practical exam. Even though I will not pursue as my life career, I will still continue learning and playing piano as my hobby. It is simply because music is the best medication for my soul.