

  • 以here,there开头的句子,如果主语是名词,其谓语动词要放到主语之前,即:Here/There+谓语动词+主语(名词).若主语是代词,则不完全倒装,即:Here/There+代词+谓语动词.例:

    Here you are!

    Here is the book for you



    将原本S + V + here (there)句型,改为由后往前写Here (There) + V + S,称为倒装句.

    (此时的 V 可以是 be 动词,也可以是一般动词,但须注意时态及单复数)



    Here (There) + V + S


    Here (There) + S + V


    *Here comes the bus.

    *Here comes the teacher.

    *Here you are.(特别注意中文意义)

    *Here we are.(特别注意中文意义)

    例:下列例题,如果正确请在( )中打「○」,如果错误请在( )打「×」


    1.Here is your change.( )

    2.Here is it.( )

    3.Here they are.( )

    4.Here are your books.( )

    5.Here we come.( )

    6.There we go.( )

    7.Here it is.( )

    8.Here comes he.( )

    9.Here comes it.( )

    10.Here he comes.( )

    11.Here it comes.( )