

  • today most of my classmate have to sit on the Exam of NRSG 122.I also will take this exam on thursday.

    the teacher said it is difficult to fail~

    I wish what she said is true~

    huoring :the sixth day

    i forgot the diary yesterday~it is too bad~

    haha today i am very happy.because i have successfully apply for the blog in hjenglish!welcome to visit me.

    welcome to visit me.

    the first article is a letter form teacher,i need your voice~thank you

    huoring :the fourth day

    oh my god~

    i almost forget today's diary.

    yesterday a friend of mine who is the husband in the online game asked me if we can become the real couple in the real world.i replayed that i want to stay in Australia can you come here and live here?

    yes i have known the answer before he answer me,because his english is too poor to live here,and i don't think he can study english for me in this time.

    so that is that.


    today,i waste a lot of time!

    huoring :the third day

    Today is a sunny day.i get up early,but i waste a lot of time to watch a news,a news about buying the house.nowadays the price of house is too high to bear!

    realelva:The Scroll Marked

    Today I begin a new life.Good habits are the key to all success.Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure.Thus,the first law I will obey,which precede all the others is --I will form good habits and become their slave.

    huoring:the second day

    Today i prepare for the next week's inclass critique of research article.

    at frist i thought it is very easy because i have got the article and the questions at hand.But after i have read the text bookl for the whole day,i just can't find the answer that i want !

    oh god please help me!

    huoring:the frist day

    i have resgister the HJENGLISH for 3 years but i soldem come here.

    today i chech the dictionary in the web site ,and i found my resgister still works ,it make me very surprise!

    so i make up my mind to write the dairy every day.

    i wish i can keep it as an habit.