Cinema nowadays,since it is based on technical reproducibility and universal dissemination,features accelerated by the effects of video and television (both capable of multiplying these aspects ad infinitum); cinema as product and nothing more than product (according to the rules of the Market – more unrelenting than ever,to the extent that it has accomplished the alienation of the notion of the author),is merely allowed,socially and on a global scale,by the established powers,a sole destiny:a destiny proper to the entertainment industry [la industria del espectáculo].It is for this reason that,at the present crossroads,cinema may have no alternative other than to fall back on itself so that it may,once it has assumed its solitude,affirm itself in its dignity:a dignity conferred onto it by virtue of being the last of the artistic languages invented by man.This is its differentiating quality,what truly distinguishes it from other audiovisual communication media.