

  • 楼主,您好enough adj.足够的,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,可以放在名词前面,也可以放在名词后面;adv.足够地,修饰形容词、副词、动词,并放在其后.enough adj.足够的,充足的,只够做...的 n.充足,足够,很多 adv.足够地,充分地 int.够了!enough e.nough adj.(形容词) Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate:充足的:足以满足需要或愿望的;充足的:enough work to keep us all busy.See Synonyms at sufficient 足够多的让我们大家全都忙碌的工作参见 sufficient pron.(代词) An adequate number or quantity:数目足够,数量充足:“The Gods above should give,/They have enough and we do poorly live”(Henry David Thoreau) “天上的神祉应该赐予/因他们富足而我们却贫苦度日”(亨利·戴维·索罗) adv.(副词) To a satisfactory amount or degree; sufficiently:足够地,充分地:数量或程度上令人满意地;足够地:Is the fish cooked enough?鱼做的火候够吗?Very; fully; quite:很;十分;充分地:We were glad enough to leave.我们很高兴离开 Tolerably; rather:尚可;相当:She sang well enough,but the show was a failure.她演唱得算好的了,但演出却是个失败 interj.(感叹词) Used to express impatience or exasperation:用以表达不耐烦或恼怒:You've been practicing the violin all afternoon.Enough!你整个下午都在练小提琴.够了!