根据要求写一段简单的对话,至少A B 各10句话


  • A:During the New Year break,I visited the U.S with my parents.

    B:Really?How was it?

    A:It was great.It is my favourite vacation so far.The U.S.was beautiful.

    B:Where did you go specifically?

    A:I went to Florida.

    B:Oh my godness!That must be so fun!Did you visit the DisneyWorld?

    A:Of course.I visited all four theme parks.Also,I visited the Universal Studio and the Jurassic Park.

    B:Did you go on the roller coasters?

    A:Obviously!Although there were lone line-ups for all the rides,they were worth the wait.The rides were all so exciting!My favourite ride was the Space Mountain.

    B:I am so jealous of you.I didn't go anywhere during the vacation.

    A:Though there was one thing I did not like about the trip.

    B:What was it?

    A:My brother was so annoying.

    B:(Laughs) How?

    A:When we were at DisneyWorld,my brother kept whining to my parents about getting new toys.He started crying when my parents refused to buy him anything.

    B:That must be so embarassing.Was he crying in the public?

    A:Yes.My brother always make a riot in front of everybody.

    B:Other than that,your vacation sounds like a fun trip.

    A:If only I had travelled with you,that would be the best trip ever.

    B:Me?(Laughs) Why?

    A:You are my best friend!I would have so much fun with you!

    B:That's true.When we grow up,let's travel together!
