

  • 公铁两用斜拉桥斜拉桥锚固区比一般斜拉桥受力更集中、构造更复杂,是控制设计的关键部位.要掌握锚固区的应力分布,不但要通过模型试验来对其进行研究,而且还要对其进行有限元分析研究.有限元分析结果不仅用于指导模型试验,而且可以进行参数分析研究,以弥补模型试验的不足,降低研究费用.

    The anchorage zone of the cable stayed bridge which is used for road and railway endures more mass strain,is more complicated in construction than the common cable stayed bridge,so it is the key part of the control design.In order to grasp the strain distributing in the anchorage zone,one should not only study by model test,but also make its finite element study.The result of its finite element is used not only to instrct its model test,but also to make study of parameter anasysis,so as to make up the shortage of model test,and reduce the study charge.

    武汉天兴洲大桥集新技术、新结构、新工艺、新设备“ 四新”技术于一身,是目前世界上跨度最大,载重最重的公铁两用斜拉桥,设计和施工中必须对锚固区的受力特征进行系统的分析研究,以便使结构更加合理,实施效果更好.本文即以武汉天兴洲大桥为实际工程背景,利用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS对大桥的索塔锚固区、索梁锚固区以及公路桥面板的钢混结合段进行有限元计算分析,主要工作内容及成果如下:

    The Great Bridge of Tianxing Zhou in Wuhan is the widest and strongest cable stayed bridge which is used for road and railway in the world,which concentrate the "four new"technics of new technic,new constructure,new craft,and new equipment on itself,so we must make systematic analysis and study of the strain character in the anchorage zone during the course of design and construction,so as to make its structure more reasonable,and make its implementary effect better.In this paper,I regard this bridger as the actual engineering background,and make a finite element analysis to the anchorage zones of cable support tower and girder by making use of the big current finite element software of ANSYS.These following are my major working contents and fruits:

    (1) 利用ANSYS建立全桥静力分析模型,计算各节点控制内力的影响线,得出活载作用下各节点控制内力最大值以及与其相对应其他各杆件的内力位移值,为局部节点分析提供相关数据.

    Construct a static force analysis model by using ANSYS,so as to calculate the influence line of control internal force of all nodes,and draw a conclusion of the maximum value of control internal force of all nodes under the influence of live load and the bit shift value of internal force of other corresponding member bars,in order to offer correlative data for local node analysis.

    (2) 对索塔锚固区选取合适的边界条件,利用ANSYS建立三维空间有限元分析模型,计算索塔锚固区的应力场分布情况,并分析影响锚固区安全性能的主要因素,提出改善局部应力分布的具体措施,并得出相应的结论.

    Choose appropriate verge condition for its anchorage zone,and construct a three dimensional space finite element analysis model by using ANSYS,caculate the distribution complexion of strain field in the anchorage zone,and analyze the majors factor which affect the safty capability of anchorage zone,so as to put forward some concrete measures to improve the distribution of local internal force,and draw the relevant conclusion.

    (3) 对公路桥面板钢混结合部位,建立三维空间有限元分析模型,研究钢混结合部位的应力场的分布情况,评判该部位的受力性能及安全性能.

    Construct a three dimensional space finite element analysis model for the steel mix joint part of road bridge surface,study the distribution complexion of strain field in the steel combine part,and judge its endurance and safety capabilities.

    (4) 对最不利索塔锚固区,建立三维空间有限元分析模型,计算索塔锚固区的应力场分布情况,并研究一些细部构造对应力场分布的影响.

    Construct a three dimensional space finite element analysis model for the part which is most unfavorable for the anchorage zone of cable support tower,caculate its complexion of internal force distribution field,and study some detail costruction which impact the distribution of internal field.


    Draw some valuable conclusions by the calculation analysis of the anchorage zones of cable support tower and beam,and the steel mix joint part of of the road bridge surface,which will have some instruction meaning and reference value to the design and construction of the anchorage zone of the similar bridge.



    Key works:the cable stayed bridge which is used for road and railway,the anchorage zone of cable support tower,the joint zone of steel mix,the anchorage zone of major beam

    The style of the paper:applied research