1.The naughty boy!He__where he leaves his things.(C)


  • 1be always doing sth 总是.,老是.

    2intended发生在postponed之前,had intended .本打算.


    4.be well informed of/about.对.很了解(可看成固定搭配,不能用very代替well)

    5.sth need/require/want doing =sth need/require/want to be done(某物需.)

    have sth done (叫人干某事)

    6.come to do sth 渐渐.(本句一般过去时最佳)

    7feel like doing sth 想要.

    8 see sb do sth(中间加了定语从句,来干扰选项)

    9worthy of.值得.

    10.be bent on.热恋于,一心想 seem bent on,看起来热恋于,看起来一心想

    11come of .本意:由…引起 A come of B 由B得到A

    12admit to doing sth 承认做过.

    13 get sth +过去分词 在此=have sth+过去分词 (叫人做.)

    14 be on the rise 上涨,上升,变得更有价值(你打错单词了吧)