英语基本试题 以下的所有试题请告诉我选什么及其原因


  • ( )do you know in the city?A .Who else B.Else who C Who other D.Other who..


    Great changes ( )in the last three years.为什么填have taken place?

    因为后面是in+时间段,所以要用现在完成时,另外take place是“发生”的意思,没有被动形式

    DO you mind me taking this seat?--------( ) A Yes,sit down please.B.No ,of course not C Yes ,take it please.D NO,YOU cant take it .


    ( )you the truth ,she knows nothing about it.A To tell B.Telling

    选A,因为这是固定的插入语结构,像to one's surprise ,to tell the truth 说实话

    The teacher asked ( )students to do homework ourselves.A the B HIS Csome D us


    married to 与get married to 区别

    married to 中married是动词marry的不定式,而get married to 中married是形容词


    This kind of Tshirt is ( )为什么填easily worn out

    worn是wear的过去分词,wear out 穿破

    T he small village is joined( )that town ( )a new road.为什么填to,with


    ( )is nice and clean.A The today air B The today air C The air of today

    选C ,today不可作主语,也不能修饰air

    Congratulations to you( )winning the first place 为什么填on而不是for?

    这是固定用法,to sb.on sth.