

  • No one knew where he was from,neither what his full name was.He was called Wu Liu because there were five willows by his house.He was often quiet without many words,showing no admir to richness and glory.He liked reading,but didn't bother to fully understand.Whenever he had figured out something,he would continue reading,ignoring the food and sleep.He was fond of drinking,but he couldn't afford it all the time.His friends knew him well so they often treated him drinks.Everytime he drank,he would drink all he could and eventually got drunk.Once he was drunk,he would leave without any superficial coutersies.He lived in a worn-out house,with broken roofs that even failed to cover him from wind and sun.He wore simple and patched cloths.Even his baskets and bowls were empty.However,he showed no concern to all these.He oftenly wrote articles to be self-entertained,showing his ambition and ignoring competitions.In such ways,he spent his entire life.

    Compliment is that:Qian Lou has said,"no crying for povertry,no longing for treasury." Isn't that a good saying for people such as Wu Liu?Drink and write to entertain,is he a member of WU Huai family?or is he a member of Ge Tian?