一篇英语做作文 我的老师


  • My English teacher

    Miss TangismyEnglish teacher.Sheis very young, very beautiful.Wealllikeherclasses,sheis very strict,butalsoveryamiable[ˈemiəbəl] .Herclasses are alwayssoattractive,likeherown.OnMiss Tang’sguidanceand help,I quicklyadapted tomiddle school life,not only learnedknowledge,also learnedmanylife lessons.Shetold us,we should not only live for ourselves,butalsoto live forthosewhocare about us,we have tolearnto be gratefulandlearn to grow.The sentenceMissTangsaid ,is still fresh in my mind,that is:nothingis toodifficultin the world,ifyou put your heart into it!(Nothing is impossible toa willing heart)Already severalyears haven't seenMiss Tang,Ihope to have the opportunityto visit her!

