英语问题— Did any of my friends come here this afternoon?— _____


  • 选 D

    none / no one / nobody

    none既可指人又可指物,意为“没有任何人或物;一个人也没有”,后可与of短语连用,作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数均可.它通常用来强调数量之少,因而常用来回答how many或how much引起的问句.no one等于nobody,不强调数量,可用来回答who问句.例如:

    1) --- Who’s in the classroom?谁在教室里?

    --- No one./ Nobody.没有人在教室里.

    2) --- How many animals can you see in the picture?在这副画里你能看见多少动物?

    --- None.一个也看不到.

    3)None of them are /is for the plan.他们当中没有一个人同意这项计划.

    再来回答34.I thought there would be many colleages who had already arrived,but,to my surprise,when I got in,I found_

    A.none B.no one C.nobody D.nothing

    为什么选A none?因为前面提到了many,强调数量,所以要用none