求人修改英语作文In the story of “Ulysses and Circe” ,Ulysses has a e


  • 直接在原文中修改了~而且换用了一些词组和词语,用来提升英语的地道感~

    In the story of “Ulysses and Circe” ,Ulysses has an excellent characteristic that we should learn from him--he is wisely clever.To begin with,his cleverness gave expression to dividing his sailors as two groups.This decision made him explore easily on an unknown island without wasting too much time.What is more,as Ulysses went back to Circe’s palace for rescuing his sailors,he intended to confuse Circe while Circe was trying to turn him into a pig by using her magical wand.He wisely pretended that Circle’s tricks were useful on his body even though he had already drunk the drug from Hermes which could protect himself from Circe’s magic.Then he caught the chance to give Circe a fatal strike when her attention had been distracted.Lastly,the best idea made me to be delighted was that he did a smart thing for not killing Circe whether she was wittingly or not turned his sailors into animals because Circe helped him a lot as soon as Ulysses supposed to sail out the sea of Sirens afterwards.Besides,Ulysses and his men all had accompanied with Circe for a year and let Circe never felt along again as she once were.In a word,Ulysses is a clever man who can always come up with good plans to fix problems properly and have a smart brain.