

  • 织女是一个仙女,一次下凡认识了牛郎,牛郎织女两人彼此相爱,并私自结为夫妻,不料织女母亲王母娘娘强行把织女带回天宫,让两人隔着银河相望,但每逢七月七日,所有的喜鹊都飞上天去,在银河为牛郎织女搭鹊桥相会

    Vega is a fairy,descends to understand the Cowherd,the Cowherd and the two people love each other,and become husband and wife secretly,but Vega mother Queen Mother forcibly taken back to the temple on Vega,two of them across the Galaxy,but on July 7,all magpies are up to,on the milky way as a cowherd and take meet each other across the milky way.


    This is the story of the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl,