

  • 1. I like art. What’s your favourite subject?

    ç Music. / Chinese. / My favourtiesubject is maths. / I like English best.

    2. I have noodles for breakfast.What do you usually have forbreakfast?

    ç Bread with milk. / Rice. / Noodles,too. / Nothing.

    3. I want to be a teacher in the future.What would you like to be when you grow up?

    ç I would like to be a doctor. / Apoliceman.

    4. I have lunch at school. Where do youhave lunch?

    ç At school. / At home. / At arestaurant near our school.

    5. I play sports twice a week. How often doyou have sports?

    ç Once a week. / Twice a week. /Every day. / Never.

    6. My mother usuallydrives me to school. How do you go to school?

    ç I go to school by bus. / By bike. /on foot.

    7. I’m going to see a film thisweekend. What are you going to do?

    ç I’m going to do my homework. / I’mplanning to play sports. / I’m going shopping.

    8. I’m going to Tianhe Book Centre. Can youtell me how to get there?

    çYou can take Bus No. 105./You can goby underground./Sorry,I don’t know, you can ask others.

    9. Excuse me. Where can I find the nearesthospital?

    çGo straight ahead,turn right at the2nd crossing.You can find one there./Sorry, I’m new here, too.

    10. I like the film “Harry Potter”, what doyou think of it?

    ç I like it very much. / I think it’svery interesting.

    11. You look sad, what’s the matter withyou?

    ç I failed the exam. / My grandfatheris ill in hospital.

    12. Oh dear! I failed the maths exam again.

    ç Sorry to hear that. / Don’t worry,try again. / That’s terrible. I’m sorry to hear that.

    13. I pass the final maths exam.

    ç Lucky you! / Congratulations! /Well done!

    14. My leg is badly hurt. I can’t move atall.

    ç I’m sorry to hear that. / You’dbetter have a good rest.

    15. I won the first prize in the writingcompetition!

    ç Congratulations! / Lucky you! /That’s wonderful news. / Great.

    16. We’ll go boating this Sunday. How aboutcoming with us.

    ç OK, I’d be very happy to go. /Sorry, I’ll be busy. / Sorry, I have no time.

    17. Tomorrow is Sunday. Let’s go to thepark and take some pictures.

    ç Sounds great! / Good idea! / OK.

    18. Sorry. I forget to take my English bookto school today.

    ç That’s OK. / It’s all right. /Never mind. / It doesn’t matter. / Don’t forget it next time.

    19. Thank you for helping me with myEnglish.

    ç It’s a pleasure. / That’s OK. /That’s all right. / You are welcome. / Not at all.

    20. Woo, how pretty you are! The greendress you are wearing is reallybeautiful.

    ç Thank you very much. / Thanks.