I wrote this in Tkinter for you,in case you don't know Tkinter,it is a built-in module for most python versions.
If you want a commandline version,you can ask me,but tell you what,since those values are all
float numbers,so it's hard to get a precise graph in commandline window.
Well,in this version,I enlarged each element's position by 40 and then change them to integer,guess this is an endurable loss of precision.
from math import radians
from math import sin
from Tkinter import *
pos = []
xPos = 0
centerX = 0
centerY = 0
for deg in range(-360, 361, 10):
x09pos.append([xPos, int(40*(sin(radians(deg))))]) #1000 too big for my screen
x09if deg == 0:
x09x09centerX = xPos-1
x09x09centerY = pos[-1][1]
root = Tk()
root.title('trianble graph from -180 to 180')
width, height = 550, 450
mHei = height/2
mWid = width/2
canvas = Canvas(root, width=width, height=height)
canvas.create_line(0, mHei, width, mHei)#x axis
canvas.create_line(mWid, 0, mWid, height)#y axis
xStep = (width-150)/len(pos)
yStep = (height-150)/len(pos)
radius = 3
# the middle point (sin(0) is first drawn and used as position reference for all
canvas.create_oval(mWid-radius, mHei-radius, mWid+radius, mHei+radius, fill='green')
print pos
print xStep, yStep, centerX, centerY
for i in pos:
x09if i[0] == centerX: #center processed already.
x09x = mWid + xStep*(i[0]-centerX)
x09# y is smaller, the bigger the value, so use minus
x09y = mHei - yStep*(i[1]-centerY)
x09canvas.create_oval(x-radius, y-radius, x+radius, y+radius, fill='green')