He was a friendly waiter.


  • He was a friendly waiter.He spoke to the writer (4.in a friendly way)1.friend 朋友 2.as friends 就像朋友 3.like friends 如朋友 4.in a friendly way 以一种友善的方式这样翻译出来就明白了吧?He spent the whole day in his room .he was in his room____1.the hole 2.the all 3.all 4.all of 这题麻烦检查一下是否打漏什么 A waiter usually works in a (3.restaurant)1.public garden 公共公园 2.shop 商店 3.restaurant 餐厅 4.private house 私人房屋 On the last day he made a big decision.It was the (1.final) day of his holiday.1.final 最后 2.end 完/尾 3.latest 最迟 4.bottom 最底这样翻译还有疑问吗?建议你先翻译在回答吧