六、完成下列对话A:Hey!You don’t look happy.What’s _______ B:I don’t


  • A:Hey!You don’t look happy.What’s _wrong______

    B:I don’t __do___ __well____ in English.

    A:Your English is not bad.

    B:But my classmates do __better_____ than me.

    A:Don’t __worry_____.You can do _more______ exercise.

    B:Yes,I can __read____ English every morning.

    A:__By_____ the way,you can ask your English _teacher______ about your questions.

    B:That’s __right_____.

    A:I also can __help_____ you with your English.

    B:Really?Thank you.

    A:You’re welcome.You’ll __be____ better soon.