几道英语题,很简单的!一、根据句意填入适当的冠词,不需要的地方划“/”.1._____ Greens are on __


  • 1._The_ Greens are on _a_ visit to a beautiful city in China.

    2.After school I usually play _the_ piano for about _an_ hour.

    3.Henry’s father died in _the_ autumn of 1999.

    4.__The___ woman over there is __a___ popular teacher in our school.

    5.__The___ old with white hair spoke _____ English well at __the___ meeting.

    On __a___ cold morning,I went into __a___ big sports shop because I wanted __a___ sports bag.__An___assisatant came up to me,and I told him what I wanted.__The___assistant brought me three different bags.I chose __the___ smallest one and paid for it.__The___ assiant put ___the__ bag in __a___ large plastic bag for me and then I left __the___ shop.


