英语题目求解( ) 1. ______ you come back, ______ it will be. A. The


  • ( B ) 1.______ you come back,______ it will be.

    A.The quicker,the best B.The sooner,the better C.Faster,the better D.The sooner,better

    ( A ) 2.I like______ one of the two books.

    A.the older B.oldest C.the oldest D.older

    ( B ) 3.Which is ______ country,China or Japan?

    A.the large B.the larger C.larger D.largest

    ( A ) 4.Of the two cups,he bought ______.

    A.the smaller B.the smallest C.small D.smaller

    ( B ) 5.Which do you like ______,tea or coffee?

    A.well B.better C.best D.most

    ( D ) 6.This work is ______ for me than for you.

    A.difficult B.most difficult C.much difficult D.more difficult

    ( B ) 7.Which do you think tastes ______,the chicken or the fish?

    A.good B.better C.best D.well

    ( A ) 8.The Great Pyramid is about 137 meters high today,but it was once ______.

    A.higher B.highest C.high too D.more high

    ( B ) 9.Don't you think it ______ not to write the letter?

    A.well B.better C.best D.good

    ( C ) 10.Who jumped ______ of all?

    A.far B.farther C.farthest D.the most far

    ( D ) 11.Li Lei is______ student in our class.

    A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest

    ( D ) 12.The fifth orange is______ of all.Give it to that small child.

    A.big B.bigger C.the bigger D.the biggest

    ( A ) 13.Who is______ of you three?

    A.the oldest B.much older C.oldest D.older

    ( C ) 14.Tom is one of ______ boys in our class.

    A.tallest B.taller C.the tallest B.the tall

    ( B ) 15.English is one of______ spoken in the world.

    A.the important languages B.the most important languages C.most important language D.the most important language

    ( D ) 16.Beijing is one of____ in China.

    A.the largest city B.the large cities C.the larger cities D.the largest cities

    ( C ) 17.Most of the woods ______ been taken good care of.

    A.are B.is C.has D.have

    ( A ) 18.______ like playing football and watching TV.

    A.Most boys B.Most of they C.Most boy D.Most of boys

    ( B ) 19.______ are here watering the flowers here.

    A.Some B.Some of the boys C.Some boy D.Some of boys

    ( C ) 20.______ haven't been to American.

    A.Most them B.Most they C.More of them D.Most of them
