英语翻译中文如下:我写作过程最完美的映照是那副火山喷发的画面.我写作时,灵感会和活火山一样 在某个时间突然爆发.这样的写


  • The most perfect reflection of the process of my writing is the picture of volcano eruption. When I 'm writing,the inspiration is just like the active volcano,because its eruption is so sudden that you will never kown when it comes. During this writing process, the advantage is that when it comes,words and sentences will continuously come into your mind.Nevetheless,the disadvantage is that though something that does good to your writing will shows up,it's difficult for you to put it in order,just like the vocanic ash. To solve this problem, I need to learn how to clear my thought and practice the logic of writing,just like the tree,framework clear and full paragraph
