六年级作文以“in the library”为题写英语作文不少于十个对话


  • There are many rules in the libraries all of the world.for example,you shouldnt smoke there,you can see many signs there.such as,no eating or drinking,no littring...and so on.you shouldnt break the rules,or youre not polite or a good student.well,dont talk loudly in the library,or others cant read book in a quiet state.

    1.No shouting at each other.(不要大声喧哗)

    2.Do not run in the library.(不可以跑)

    3.You must not eat anything here.(不能吃任何东西)

    4.Please keep books in order.(请把书按顺序放好)

    5.One can only lend X books.(一个人只能借x本书)

    6.Return in no more than 1 week.(在最多一周之内归还)