

  • 新闻媒体由以往几十年来的事业单位转变为向产业化运作的方向发展,这就意味着新闻媒体要自主经营、自负盈亏.

    The news media by previous decades of institutions to transform for the industrialization operation direction development, which means that the news media shall operate independently, their own profits and losses.


    In order to make the economic benefits, the news media have waging fierce competition between.


    Therefore, in order to attract readers attention, better ratings, release rate, how to acquire the exclusive news also is very important.


    For a sole press attention, also prompted the news media, news reporter in information channel, interview ways on each exhibition the can.


    Since conventional interview ways, does not always get enough news value of materials, hence, recessive interview, as an easier close to the truth, and more capable valuable news interview method cause news practitioners attention, but also initiated many disputes.