The law of language fuzziness, it is to point to some laws or legal representation on the semantics not accurate definition, commonly used for about legal facts nature and scope, degree, quantity, etc. Legal language fuzziness performance in many aspects of, many levels, such as: vocabulary, grammar, concept, logic, culture, vocabulary level of fuzziness is most obvious. In British libel laws, for example,... For any term not amount to pay for, and to such fine as the study of award. "not amount to pay for" and "such fine as the study of award" all is fuzzy, the former determine the time limit, the uncertain floor, the latter no provisions are fine amount. The use of fuzzy words improved language expression of flexibility, give law enforcers leave must discretion, strengthened the laws and regulations of applicability.
4. Antique vocabulary, loanwords, near synonyms
Legal English used in great quantities in ancient English and middle English, one of the most typical form is roll is or where plus one or several prepositions such as Google, w.t., ameris xpa composed of composite adverb, such as hereafter (then), thereby (so), whereof (about), hereinafter (below), theretofore (until then), etc. Old English use, embodies the legal reproductivity and inflexible authority.
Legal English is used in great quantities in loanwords, for example: attomey before (attorney, judicial minister, attorney fee simple and fee), tail (unconditional inheritance and inheriting estate), limited quash (withdraw) etc. Western law has long history, the Greek and Roman law speculation spirit in the spirit of the formation and development of western civilization plays a vital role. A lot of Latin legal vocabulary in middle English period and subsequent Renaissance directly into English, in legal English in an authoritative position. For example: alibi (not crime scene), uorum (quorum vice versa), (and vice versa), in flagrante delicto (on the spot, in the act), etc. Latin is concise, is established, express precisely characteristics, consequently often appear in the legal provisions. With the progress of The Times and exchange of thorough, the influx of loan words in legal English is created.
Legal English also use many near synonyms, for example: here and conditions (terms), rights and interests (equity), damages and losses (losses) null and void), use void (a district (issuing) and etc. These tied for the use of words, the expression meaning more rigorous accurate, make the message of tone more intense, in use and translation cannot optional apart.
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