共有十处错误'麻烦各位了'.One afternoon my father and I go fishing on a


  • One afternoon my father and I go fishing on a riverside .“go改成went”

    We found the water was very dirty that we could not see bottom.“去掉was”

    We saw some rubbish or deed fish floating on the water so well .“deed改成dead,so改成as”

    That afternoon ,my father and I caught only a smalier fish .“smalier 改成small”

    Why did fish in the river die “在fish前加the”

    That was because of a lot of factories along the river always poured it's waste water at and rubbish into the river .“去掉of和at,it's改成their”

    In this way ,the water got polluting.“polluting改成polluted”

    Thus,most of the fish in the river was killed.这句对