

  • A : you are good

    D: Hello

    A: where are you going?

    E: shall we go to the zoo, you?

    B: shall we go to the park, but we don't know the way, do you know?

    D: sorry, we don't know.

    E: there is a policewoman, you can ask her.

    B: Thank you, goodbye.

    DE: Goodbye

    A: sorry, bother you, can I ask you a question?

    C: of course, ask

    .A : how can I get to the park?

    C: do you now the museum?

    A: know

    C: the park is in the nearby Museum

    AB: Thank you

    C : you're welcome

    B: go.

    C: wait a minute, now is a red light, red light stop

    A: oh! We forget the song. Red stop, green line. Yellow to wait!

    B: Yes, lights, goodbye, police auntie!

    C: goodbye!