求英语句子以下是句型结构请你们每个结构写10个句子出来,谢谢1 S+V+表2 S+Vi3 S+Vt+O4 S+Vt+O+


  • 1.I'm a student.

    You look happy.

    It sounds great.

    She seems sad.

    It tastes good.

    You are a student.

    She is a pretty girl.

    They are my friends.

    We are in the room.

    He is happy.

    2.I'm running.

    She fell down.

    You laughed.

    We smiled.


    3.I read a book.

    She goes to a bookshop.

    They beat me.

    4.I give you a book.

    She bought me a cake.

    They sent him some pictures.

    5.She wants me to leave.

    They made me laugh.

    We let her go.

    I will ask him to go.

    I saw him reading a book.

    I heard her sing.

    He paint the wall white.

    Keep the boy quiet.

    We call him Jim.

    You will find him funny.