who have got desperate housewive season3.19


  • A power outage strikes Wisteria Lane,causing Mrs.McCluskey to stumble in the dark and break a rib.She doesn't want to let the paramedics take her to the hospital; she's too concerned that her late husband will be found if the basement freezer thaws.Fortunately,the power comes back on,so she consents to be loaded into the ambulance.What she doesn't know is that the freezer has shorted out.

    At Pizzeria Scavo,the power outage doesn't stop Rick from whipping up a gourmet pasta entree,one that customers are only too happy to pay top dollar for.Lynette is thrilled with the new fare and all the money it's bringing in,but a resentful,housebound Tom vetoes a sample dish,saying his goal was always to be a family restaurant,not a "flash in the pan" fancy one.Lynette tells him he has no choice since for the first time since it's opened,the pizzeria is finally making money.To add insult to injury,the local paper gives the new menu a rave review,pointedly noting how forgettable the original one was.Meanwhile,Lynette is spending long hours at the pizzeria with Rick,who plies her with wine and asks her if she ever wears her hair down.On her way to work the next time,she does.

    Edie is frustrated with Carlos when he wants to keep their relationship a secret,out of respect for Mike.He can't sleep at her house because of her son and they can't sleep at his house because of Mike,so she starts arranging rendezvous at the houses she's showing -- until they get caught by a fellow realtor.Carlos is upset about being found out and Edie realizes it's Gabrielle he doesn't want to know because he's still in love with her.Miffed that this has only been about sex after all,she walks out on him.

    The power outage is also eventful for Gabrielle and Victor.It traps them in an elevator and she decides to "seize the moment" and talks him into some steamy elevator sex.He's worried they'll be caught,but they're able to dress -- barely - when the elevator starts moving again.They don't realize they were caught on the building's security camera.

    The next morning,Victor asks Gabrielle to marry him but she says no.He wonders why she'll take a risk like having sex in public,but not marry him and she says she's not the marrying type.

    A man shows up with a package for Victor and finds Gabrielle instead.She takes one look at the photos of her and Victor in the elevator and tackles the would-be blackmailer.A police car happens by and breaks up their fight and the whole sordid truth comes out.The police insist that Gabrielle hand over the incriminating photos since it's now evidence in a crime.But the chief of police is the current mayor's brother-in-law and the photos are leaked to the media,causing a major scandal for Victor,whose popularity plummets.He holds a press conference to try to explain himself,without revealing Gabrielle's identity,but when reporters start asking if the woman involved was a prostitute,Gabrielle steps forward.She identifies herself and lies that Victor had just asked her to marry him and she got carried away in the moment.The press immediately embraces the romantic angle and Victor's ratings bounce back.

    Edie stops by Carlos' place to see if he's heard the news about Gabrielle's engagement and to comfort him.

    Susan is not happy when Ian announces he's completely over his suspicions of Mike and wants to have him over for dinner.She's determined to marry Ian as soon as possible,so she rushes through all her wedding planning.When her caterer,Maggie,says she's single,Susan invites her to dinner to set her up with Mike.But Mike makes a point to mention all his worst qualities,including his jail terms.He gets Susan alone and tells her he remembers everything and that he loves her.

    Just then,Maggie brings in the two final cake selections:one classically rich and British,one more simple and American.Susan wigs out and insists she can't decide between them.

    Mike finally tells Ian that he's here to try to get Susan back,poker game agreement be damned.Susan is horrified to hear that they gambled over her and orders both men out.She angrily announces she won't be marrying anyone.

    Parker sneaks into Mrs.McCluskey's freezer for a popsicle.He finds the body but doesn't tell anyone.He asks Lynette if they can go see Mrs.McCluskey in the hospital.She sends Lynette off an errand and privately tells Parker she had a very good reason for keeping her husband in the freezer and makes him promise to keep the secret.

    But the secret comes out when a neighbor looks in on Mrs.McCluskey's house while she's away.The body is discovered and Mrs.McCluskey is arrested.