翻译英语短文A singing hippo


  • 从前,有一头河马.他住在一棵大树旁的河边.







    Once upon a time,there was a hippo.He lived in a river next to a big tree.

    One day,a bird came and nested in the tree.The bird had a beautiful voice.She sang every morning and many other animals came to appreciate her songs.The hippo was so jealous of the bird's sweet voice that he couldn't think of anything else.He was unhappy about being a hippo.He wished he were a bird.After knowing that,the bird came to the hippo and tried to cheer him up.She told the hippo that he was so lucky to be so big.More importantly,he was such a good swimmer.But the bird's words didn't work.The hippo was still unhappy.He was so eager to be a good singer like the bird.

    Finally,the hippo made a decision.He would come out of the river,climb the tree,stand on the branch and start singing.He tried hard to climb the tree,but he failed because he didn't have wings or claws to climb with.

    The hippo felt so frustrated.He knew he would never make it,so he angrily used all his strength to push down the tree.Now he could stand on the tree.The hippo felt like a winner.He began singing.

    Unfortunately,the hippo couldn't sing,either.All that came from his mouth were terrible noises.When other animals heard him singing,they came to see what was happening.After seeing the hippo standing on the branch of a fallen tree and trying to sing like a bird,they all laughed.

    The hippo was greatly embarrassed by this.He decided to never again regret being a hippo.He also felt bad about having knocked the tree over.He used all his strength to raise the tree back up again,replant it,and look after it until it completely recovered.