

  • My dear Lily

    How have you been recently? It has been a long time since I met you last time. I still live in Nanjing, its weather is becoming better slowly. We could see blue days frequently.

    Do you remember?Our first meeting is in Nanjing as well.We are junior one students.I could see your smile shining all the way and I kept the photo of you as a treature. I was attracted by your kindness and generouness at first. You helped me for thousands of times as my dearest deskmates. When we shared our secret snacks, that kind of taste must have be the sweetiest of the whole world. When we escaped from boring and repetitive chemistry lesson, I could feel your bravety and incredible stiffness of strong faith. I was suprised by your extrodinary ability to create new activities. To be honest, that period of my life is the happiest thing I could visualise.

    All good things come to an end. At junior 2, you decided to be an exchange student to UK. I hardly believed that you were going to a completely unfamiliar environment at such a young age. I hugged you for millions of times. You told me, you would come back soon. In your immature appearance, there must have be a tenacious heart that makes me feel respectable and appreciate. Among communications by emails, I was truly worried about you first. When you sent full range of photos in blog, I was delighted that you were adjust brand new atmosphere very well. When I think of your returning at Christmas, I am so exalted that I want to see you immediately when you emerged from the plane.

    Will you become a fashionable London lady?I am gleeful to guess and imagine what you will look like.Please contact with me ASAP.

    Lots of love
