英语翻译Mark and Gail imaged a quiet weeding.在两年的相处中,他们学会了相互理解和相


  • In the two years that they have known each other,they learned how to understand and respect each other,and how to accept each other's faults.Mark discussed the racial and cultural differences with Gail,but Gail was not bothered about these problems.The changes in Gail's parents marriage negatively affected her (婚变我不懂).When they talked about marriage to Gail's parents,they did not get their consent.Even though Gail‘s mother didn't care about Mark's skin color,she did care about what other people thought,she urged Gail to wait (中文中间有问题:咋出现:Gail虽然.她劝Gail再等一等----应该是Gail的母亲吧)Gail's father suspected and opposed them,he gave a number of reasons for opposing them getting married,he also asked them to wait.

