问几个英语语法的问题.求达人们 To rise early is good habit(which) we should


  • To rise early is good habit(which) we should cultivate.

    这里是动词的不定式to do sth.作为句子的主语,句子主干是 sth.is good habit.现在是由不定式to rise early 来作sth.充当主语,变成 to rise early is good habit.

    后面的which we should cultivate是which引导的定语从句,来修饰habit,说明是我们应该养成的那种好习惯

    我们平时比较常见的是 it is good habit to rise early.是it 作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式to rise early


    Because the best time when .we can pursure our studies is in the morning.

    这里句子主干是Because the best time is in the morning.最好的时间是在早上

    然后有个由when引导的定语从句,来修饰the best time,说明是怎样的好时间,

    定语从句的还原是we can pursue our studies in 某个时间

    pursue [pəˈsju:]


    pursue our studies 继续我们的学习,其实就是学习

    句子 大概就是说早上是我们学习的好时机.