英语翻译With my parents finding new jobs,we moved from a small v


  • 我的父母找到新工作,我们从俄亥俄州的一个小村庄搬去纽约.而我就从一间只有60个学生的学校,转到一间有几千名学生的大型学校.我就像在一个很大的湖里的一条小鱼儿.第一年,我很害怕做错了些什么,当其他学生讨论或回答问题时,我决定只作壁上观.我总是走进课堂而故意不直视老师的眼睛,以免他们问我问题.我留心听着,一切都上心,但我总是喜欢当观众.当你在许多同学的前面发言,很难不在意别人怎么看你.可见,不多久我就觉得和老师相处和与同学们交朋友都变得很自然.



    With my parents finding new jobs, we moved from a small village in Ohio to New York. So I went from a 60-student school to a huge school with thousands of pupils. I was like a little fish in a very big lake. I lived too much of my first year in fear of doing anything wrong. I just decided to be the wallflower when other students discussed or answered questions. I was always the one that came to class and purposely didn’t look the teacher in the eye in case they asked me to answer. I listened well, and took everything in, but I always like to be a spectator . It’s hard not to care what others may think of you when you are speaking in front of many classmates. It did take long for me to feel comfortable with teachers and make friends with classmates.