when ;when 有一种用法,可以表示突然发生意料之外的动作.
I was surprised ( ) the actor walked into a souverir shop
she walked________the road and went into a shopping center.00
when I got into the bedroom last night I was surprised to se00
意思:When I walked into the classroom, the teacher was handing00
When I walked into kitchen,I found the glass was broken on t00
When I walked into kitchen,I found the glass was broken on t00
They walk into a dress shop and ask the (a___) for a pair of00
All mem simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for wh00
My robot was cleaning the floor when I walked into my room.改00
[英语]The woman with the baby is walking into the shop划线提问00
i was surprised to find that i was a student outside the cla00