ackground: A and C are stuying in China. A: Hi,i am A,i am from Japan. where are you two from? B: I am B, i come from China, and you? C: i am C, i am from American. nice to meet you, A and B. A: nice to meet you B: nice to meet you,too. C: do you find the difference between studying in Japan and China, A? A: yes, i do, there are a lot of differences. i think it is mainly because of the culture differnces between Japan and China. B: that is true, even though China is near Japan. the culture difference is still big. what do you find, C? C: well, i think the difference is even bigger, for example, in America, we have so many seminars in the class. we can discuss in the seminors.but in China, the lecturers tend to prefer the individual work. B: indeed, one of my friends who is stuying in London told me the same thing. A: so i think it is important to understand the culture before you get used to the studying method in another country. B: that is right C: i can not agree more. 希望可以帮到你!~
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