能告诉我定语从句中whose的相关用法吗 最好是方法 还有什么时候用whose


  • whose 谁的...多看例句!

    1) It is a story whose purpose is to entertain.

    2) This was one of the students whose work I had seen.

    3) Whose fault is it? Whose book is this?

    4) It would be interesting to know whose idea it was.

    5) Whose car did you come back in?

    6) Whose pen is this?

    7) Show me the boy whose 谁的 father is a policeman.

    who's =who is:谁

    1) 'Edward drove me here.' – 'Who's Edward?'

    2) Who's left these boots here?


    1) He who misses the class must stay back.

    2) She is the student who stole the handphone.