求翻译成英语1) 一站式服务(one-stop service)指为了提高效率,在某个指定地点同时完成以往需要多个地点多


  • one-step services is using for increasing effiency, is a kind of services that at a certain place needed to completing transport lots of times at the same time.attentive service is also called housekeeper services. using personalize as the core value and construct a kind of services which will last before selling, during selling and after selling. this services is throughout the whole process

    call center is a completed synthesized information services system, using mordern high-technology communication methods, provide a high qualify, high effiency and whole direction services to customers.self services is manufacturing business using 'self-services' to hold plantform for customers can using the self- services plantform or terminal to get services, conclude analysis the breakdown, the training before using product, trading products and dealing.纯手打求采纳