用英语写一篇投诉信、要求如下:假设你最近在一家商店购买了一架数码照相机(digital camera).回到家里你发现照


  • To whom it may concern:

    Have a good day and thanks for reading my letter.

    This is what happened:

    I bought a new digital camera in your shop few days ago, and after I back to home, I found that there were some scratches on the camera surface, and the color of a picture taken indoors is abnormal too.

    I went back to the shop, I ask the shop assistant to change a new one or return my money back. The assistant pay no attention to what I said only for I lost the invoice.

    I think consumer shall have the right to protect their own interests.

    This is why I write this letter to you.

    I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer.

    waiting for your eary reply.

    from: a aggrieved consumer in your shop

    自己攥写的 希望对你有帮助